











アドラーが生きた時代は、1870年2月7日〜1937年5月28日 この時代に、今私たちが突きつけられている多様性を受け入れ、共生して生きることの意味やあり方、その方法を教えてくれているのですから、すごいとしか言いようがありません。











The social mistaken pattern is built up in the first 4 or 5 years, most of what we find is the reasons for it: imperfect organs or that the child has been pampered or that we find hated children is among orphans sometimes ilegitimate children, ugly children, not wanted children, and so on.
This pattern is fixed and can be changed only if we are able to convince this child about the mistakes or later in life.
Therefore we could eliminate the mistakes in this pattern that are influential, to educate the family how to educate children rightly or we could make the school an instrument of he social progress to recognize the mistakes since the begining and to accomplish more social interests among the pupils, later in life it is more difficult and it must be an individual treatment; how to convince such a person and how to change him.
In this way we are sure that the key of the individual psychology is the most important and wortwhile key and we can guess much better in with other methods what is the mistake made in the childhood and how to correct it.
And so ladies and gentlemen I come to the following conclusions :
I discovered 20 years ago the inferiority complex which have been proved to be very worthwile key for understanding human nature and personalities.
I have explained and individual is a unit from the begining of life and his style of life can not be changed without understanding the mistakes made in the roots, and these roots are lying in the family life in which each individual is formed and molded, so we can find that this great strive to over come the difficulties of life is striving going on from a feeling of inferiority and leaving towards a goal of superiority is always combined with a certain individual degree of social interest.
We find in each expression in each movement of each individual how he has used his striving for social interes and so when he meets later in life the problems which can be solved rightly only if they are really solved in a great social feeling, then it will be decided if it is adjusted rightly or not.
So we find at last that all the failures in life: problem children, neurotic and psychotic persons, delincuents, suicides, drunkers, and so on… are always lacking social interest, and it is not only this interest that in the same way they are also lackin courage, understanding and the right training for the solution of the social problems.